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What happens after you have received my complaint?

Complaints can be logged by contacting

A Guest Relations Representative will be allocated your case who will carry out any investigations necessary and respond to you as soon as possible. Our preferred method of communication is telephone so please ensure you include your telephone number in any correspondence you send to us.

We are members of ABTA and adhere to their code of conduct, Code 5B refers to our commitment when communicating with clients, further details are below:

Code 5B
Members shall deal with all correspondence with Clients as promptly as possible and, in any event, within the following time limits:

(i) an acknowledgement shall be sent no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of correspondence and

(ii) a detailed reply, or a reply containing a detailed explanation for any delay, shall be sent no later than 28 days from the date of receipt of correspondence. 

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