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How do I contact friends or family on board?

Via mobile phone

As mobile phone service is available on board our ships, the easiest and possibly fastest route will be to send an SMS text or call the guest's usual mobile phone number. When ships approach port and land-based mobile phone service again becomes available, the ship’s service is switched off. Most mobile phone providers have agreements with the ship’s service provider – Telenor. Costs are usually higher than for making an International call to or from a mobile phone. Further details are available via 'Can I use my mobile phone whilst on board?'.

Via email

Guests on board can access their own personal email account connecting to the internet while on board, using either their own mobile device/tablet/laptop via wifi or using a computer in the ships' Internet Centre. There are charges for internet usage and these are the same whether using wifi or a ships' computer in the library.

Contacting ships' company via email

If you are a friend or relative of ships' company, please contact them via their personal email account.

You may also find the following question helpful: Can I access the internet on board?

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