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What's the difference between a charter, scheduled and group flight?

Depending on the contacts that Cunard has, guests could fly to/from their destination by either a scheduled, group allocated or charter flight. Flight processes will vary depending on which flight type the guest is allocated. Please contact the Partnership Helpdesk if you need to confirm the guest's flight type.

Scheduled flight

  • The majority of Cunard's flights are scheduled.
  • This means that Cunard has arranged a place on the aircraft for our guests, however the flight is independently managed by the individual airline.
  • If the guest has decided to extend their voyage, they will be travelling on a scheduled flight.

Group allocation flight

  • Occasionally, Cunard may purchase a group of seats with an airline to ensure we are able to provide guests with a flight to match their voyage.
  • In most instances, due to data protection, we'll be unable to provide guests with the Group Booking reference, however some airlines do allow online booking management.

Charter flight

  • This means that Cunard has booked the whole plane via the airline, so every guest on the flight will be going to join the ship. However, the operation of the flight is still managed by the airline. 
  • All TUI flights are charter flights.
  • Cunard rarely uses charter flights.
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